Curriculum vitae Clinica DOCTOR ANGHEL MEDICAL CENTER ofera consultatii investigatii si tratamente medico-chirurgicale


Curriculum Vitae

Informaţii personale
Nume/prenume Ion ANGHEL
Adresa Str. Theodor Sperantia nr. 51 ,sector 3, Bucuresti, Romania.
Telefon 0040-321204663 Mobil: +04 0721 204 663
Nationalitate Romana
Data nasterii 22.09. 1957.
Experienţa profesională 2017-Februarie

PROFESOR UNIVERSITAR ,Pozitia 1,prin concurs,Disciplina ORL Spital Universitar de Urgenta Militar Central“Carol Davila”Bucuresti,Facultatea de Medicina UMF “Carol Davila”.

2014:Atestat abilitare /Conducator Doctorate(OMEN nr.725/12 12 2014)

Data 2003-2017
Funcţii sau posturi ocupate  Conferentiar universitar pozitia 3, prin concurs,Facultatea de Medicina,Catedra ORL Spital Clinic “Coltea”Bucuresti
Nume si adresa angajatorului


Principalele activităţi şi responsabilităţi


  Universitatea Medicina si Farmacie „Carol Davila” din Bucuresti- Facultatea de       Medicina,Str.Dionisie Lupu nr 37 ,sector 1,Bucuresti.

Invatamint superior medical ,cercetare stiintifica

Cursuri : ORL si Chirurgie cervico-faciala anul VI, Facultatea de Medicina.

Lucrari practice:ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-Faciala anul VI ,Facultatea de Medicina .

Cursuri si stagii practice anuale de pregatire postuniveristara: pentru rezidenti ORL,Chirurgie Plastica,Chirurgie BMF.

Cursuri de perfectionare:pentru medici specialisti/primari ORL si alte specialitati

Indrumare de lucrari de diploma  (cca 1-3/an).





Funcţii sau posturi ocupate Sef de Lucrari(Lector) pozitia 4,prin concurs,Facultatea de Medicina,Catedra ORL Spital clinic “Coltea”,Bucuresti.


Nume si adresa angajatorului


Principalele activităţi şi responsabilităţi


Universitatea Medicina si Farmacie „Carol Davila” din Bucuresti- Facultatea de   Medicina,Str.Dionisie Lupu nr 37 ,sector 1,Bucuresti.

Invatamint superior medical ,cercetare stiintifica

Cursuri : ORL si Chirurgie cervico-faciala anul VI, Facultatea de Medicina.

Lucrari practice:ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-Faciala anul VI ,Facultatea de Medicina .

Cursuri si stagii practice anuale de pregatire postuniveristara: pentru rezidentii ORL,Chirurgie Plastica,Chirurgie BMF.

Cursuri de perfectionare:pentru medici specialisti/primari ORL si alte specialitati

Indrumare de lucrari de diploma (cca 1-3/an).





Funcţii sau posturi ocupate Asistent Universitar titular, pozitia 5,prin concurs,Facultatea de Medicina,Catedra ORL Spital clinic “Coltea”,Bucuresti.


Nume si adresa angajatorului


Principalele activităţi şi responsabilităţi


Universitatea Medicina si Farmacie „Carol Davila” din Bucuresti- Facultatea de   Medicina,Str.Dionisie Lupu nr 37 ,sector 1,Bucuresti.

Invatamint superior medical ,cercetare stiintifica

Cursuri si lucrari practice: ORL si Chirurgie cervico-faciala anul VI, Facultatea de Medicina.

Lucrari practice:ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-Faciala anul VI ,Facultatea de Medicina .

Indrumare de lucrari de diploma si disertatie (cca 1-3/an).









Funcţii sau posturi ocupate Medic nivel II,prerepartizat,(preparator), pozitia 6,Facultatea de Medicina,Catedra ORL Spital clinic “Coltea”,Bucuresti.


Nume si adresa angajatorului


Principalele activităţi şi responsabilităţi


Universitatea Medicina si Farmacie „Carol Davila” din Bucuresti- Facultatea de   Medicina,Str.Dionisie Lupu nr 37 ,sector 1,Bucuresti.

Invatamint superior medical ,cercetare stiintifica

Activitate didactica destinata studentilor in stagiu ORL Facultatea de Medicina si Stomatologie si activitate de cercetare



                                                       Data 1993-1995
Numele calificării primite Stagiu doctoral
Principalele subiecte şi calificări însuşite Rinoplastia-Chirurgia corectoare si reparatorie a piramidei nazale.
• Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ


Clinica ORL Spital “Coltea”,IMF “Carol Davila “Bucuresti.


Data 1995
Numele calificării primite Diploma de DOCTOR in MEDICINA
Data 1994
Numele calificării primite Certificat de Medic Primar ORL
Data 1990
Numele calificării primite Certificat de Medic Specialist ORL
Data 1987-1990
Numele calificării primite Rezidentiat
Principalele subiecte şi calificări însuşite Specialitatea ORL
 Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie „Carol Davila”din Bucuresti, Spitalul clinic „Coltea”,Clinica ORL.






Funcţii sau posturi ocupate Medic stagiar


                 Nume si adresa angajatorului


Principalele activităţi şi responsabilităţi


   Spitalul clinic”Ion Cantacuzino”,Bucuresti,str Galati nr ,Sector 2.


Reteaua de Sanatate Publica



Numele calificării primite


Diploma de Doctor-Medic,Specializarea Medicina Generala

Principalele subiecte şi calificări însuşite Titlul lucrarii de diploma: Aderenta microbiana la celulele HEp-2 si HeLa.
         • Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ


Numele calificării primite

Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ


Institutul de Medicina si Farmacie Bucuresti,Facultatea de Medicina Generala



Diploma de Bacalaureat

Liceul Real-Umanist nr.4, Pitesti










1.    Curs « Microchirurgia in ORL »IFACF ORL ,Bucuresti ,1991.

1.        Curs”Endoscopie Digestiva Diagnostica “,Clinica Gastroenterologie Fundeni ,Bucuresti ,1992.

2.        Curs “Microchirurgia laringelui.Chirurgia partiala si reconstructiva a laringelui.IFACF-ORL ,Bucuresti,1994.


3.        Curs ”Chirurgie plastica si reparatorie”,Clinica de Chirurgie Plastica Microchirurgie     Reconstructuiva,Spital Clinic de Urgenta Floreasca,Bucuresti

4.        Curs „Chirurgie laser CO2 in ORL  ,Clinica ORL, Spital Clinic ”Sfinta Maria”,Bucuresti ,2000.

5.        Curs “Chirurgie endoscopica rino-sinusala”,Clinica ORL Spital Clinic “Sfinta Maria”, Bucuresti,2001.

6.        Curs”Audiologie-Actualitati in Cofochirurgie si Implant Cohlear” ,IFACF ORL ,Bucuresti, 2001.

7.        Curs”Audiologie-Actualitati in explorarea acustico-vestibulara”ICFC ORL ,Bucuresti,2001.

8.        Curs “Actualitati in terapia afectiunilor corzilor vocale,Chirurgia laringiana si a sinusurilor” Oradea 2016.

9.        Curs-“Actualitati in Audiologie”,Oradea 2016.



1.        ENT,Head and Neck Surgical Oncology,ENT Clinic,Yale University,New Haven,USA,1996,(Prof.Sasaki).

2.        Facial Plastic Surgery, ENT Clinic,Yale University,New Haven,USA,1996(Prof.Sasaki).

3.        Endoscopic Sinus Surgery(FESS), ENT Clinic,Yale University,New Haven,USA,1998,(Prof.Sasaki).

4.        Stagiu de perfectionare”Middle ear surgery,functional endoscopic sinus surgery ,plastic and aesthetic facial surgery,tumor surgery of the head and neck. SGKrankenhaus,Berlin,Germany,2000.

5.        Stagiu de perfectionare »Endoscopic Sinus Surgery »,Halle,Germany,2000,(Prof.Berghaus).

6.        Cours « Sleep Apnea Surgery »,ENT Clinic,Mannheim,Germany,2008,(Prof.Hormann).

7.        Cours « Endoscopic Sinus Surgery « Regensburg, Germany,2009,(Prof. Strutz,Dr.Gassner,Prof. Kuhnel).

8.        Cours »  Facial Aesthetic Plastic Surgery » ENT Clinic Regensburg, Germany,2009,(Prof. Strutz,Dr.Gassner,Prof. Kuhnel).

9.         Cours « «Facial Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery » ENT Clinic, Munich, Germany, 2009,(Prof.Berghaus).

10.     Cours » Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery »ENTClinic, Munich,Germany,2009,(Prof.Harreus).

11.     Cours » Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery. Paris, France, 2010

12.     Cours » Prosthesis for Post-Laryngectomy Voice Restoration( Button Fonotor) »  Trier, Germany, 2010.

13.     Cours » Otological Microsurgery and Cochlear Implants »  Bern, Swiss, 2010,(Prof.Caversaccio).

14.     Cours »  Parothid and Facial Nerve Surgery » ,Cologne, Germany, 2010,(Prof. Huttenbrink).

15.     Cours « Hair Implant Surgery » , Nice, France, 2010,(Prof.Roberts).

16.     Cours » Cochlear Implants Surgery » ,Mechelen,Belgium,2011.

17.     Cours » Baha Surgery » ,Gotenburg,Sweden,2011..

18.     Cours « «Facial Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery » ENT Clinic,Erlangen,Germany,2011,(Prof.Iro).

19.     Cours » Post-LaryngectomyPhono-Reabilitation,ENT Clinic,Amsterdam,Netherlands,2011,(Prof.Hilgers).

20.     -Mechelen,Belgium,2011.

21.     -Baha Surgery.

22.     -Gotenburg,Sweden,2011.

23.     -Facial Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.

24.     -Erlangen,Germany,2011 ,(Prof.Iro).

25.     -Post-laryngectomy Rehabillitation.

26.     -Amsterdam,Netherlands,2011,(Prof.Hilgers).

27.     -Update on Ronchopathy and Sleep Respiratory Disorders

28.     -Rome,2012

29.     -Ear surgery and cochlear implant

30.     -Hanover, 2012

31.     -Cours for Microsurgery and  Flap Raising

32.     -Bochum, 2013









Aptitudini si competente personale

Limba materna ue (if relevant add other mother tongue(s), see instructions)
Alte limbi cunoscute
20.Update on Ronchopathy and Sleep Respiratory Disorders,Rome,Italy,2012.

21.Cours”Ear Surgery and Cochlear Implant””ENT Clinic Hannover,2012,(Prof. )

22.Cours “36th International Course for Flap Raising and Microsurgery”” ,Bochum,Universitatklinikum Aachen,Germany, 6-8 March,2013(Prof.Wolf and Prof.Holzle).

23.Cours””Cochlear Baha DermaLock Abutment””,ENT Department,Szeged Medicine University,17 April 2013.(Prof.Laszlo Rovo).

24.Observational Course Pillar Implants FESS Procedures,Warsaw,Medicover Hospital ,Poland,28-29 November,2013

25.Cours”Temporal Bone Lab Workshop”” 3rd Munich LMU Hearing Implant Symposium “Comprehensive Hearing Implant Solutions,ENT Klinik,LMU Munich,12-15 December 2013(Prof.J.Muller).

26. Med-El.Ro 1st Annual Workshop-Med-El Hearing Implants ,9-12c March.,Seefeld,Austria

27.2ndInternational hands-on course-Implantable Hearing Systems,November 19-23,2016, Bratislava(Prof.Profant)


Autoevaluare Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
Engleza C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C2 proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C2 proficiency
Franceza C2 proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C2 proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency C1 Effective Operational Proficiency
Germana A2 elementary B1 Threshold A2 elementary A2 elementary B1 Threshold
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Competente /Supraspecializari







Competenţe şi abilităţi sociale


Competenţe şi aptitudini organizatorice



Competenţe şi aptitudini de utilizare a calculatorului




Permis(e) de conducere

1.Chirurgie Plastica si Reparatorie ORL,Certificat de Supraspecializare , Seria C,Nr.005402,04.01.2002, aprob.M.S. Nr.DB/2843/13.03.2001,Nr.inreg 7318.

2.Chirurgie OncologicaORL,Certificat de Supraspecializare,Seria C,Nr.005403/04.01.2002,aprob.M.S.Nr.DB/2843/10.03.2001,Nr.inreg.7319.

3.Laser Chirurgie in ORL,Certificat de Competenta,Seria C,Nr.005405/04.01.2002,aprob.M.S.Nr.DB/2843/13.03.2001,Nr.inreg7321.

4.Chirurgie Endoscopica ORL,Certificat de Competenta ,Seria C,Nr.005404,04.01.2002,aprob.M.S.Nr.DB/2843/13.03.2001,Nr.inreg.7320

5.Managementul Serviciilor de Sanatate,Certificat de Competenta ,Seria A,Nr.008193,29.mai.2003,Nr.inreg.9923.

6.Audiologie,Certificat de Competenta,Seria C,Nr.005423,29,01,2002,Nr.inreg.7339.

Capacitate buna de comunicare;

Capacitate buna de lucru in echipa dobandita;

Abilitate de adaptare la diferite medii sociale.

Aptitudini de leader si manager dobandite prin cursuri, specializari si experienta de viata si cea profesionala;

Spirit organizatoric dobandit prin cursuri, specializari si experienta profesionala;

Capacitate de solutionare a problemelor;

Experienta manageriala dobandita prin activitatea de conducere a clinicii si a sectiei ORL:management medical,educational si organizatoric


Operare Microsoft Office, Windows XP,10.

Categoria B




























Universitatea de Medicinasi Farmacie „Carol Davila”Bucuresti 2014.

Ordinul Ministerului Educatiei Nationale privind acordarea atestatului de abilitare si a calitatii de conducator de doctorat Nr.725 din 12 12 2014





Conducator Stiintific: Prof.Dr.Danila CINCA

Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie „Carol Davila „Bucuresti

Diploma de Doctor Nr 323/27 Nov.1995.







 1.ULTIMII 5 ANI(2011-2015)

  • Monografie/alte carti in edituri nationale – autor unic sau prim-autor :3


  1. Ion ANGHEL(A.Princ),

Oana Adriana ANGHEL, Alina Georgiana ANGHEL, Mihai DUMITRU


Editura „SITECH”Craiova, 2015, ISBN:978-606-11-4856-1

  1. Ion ANGHEL (A.Princ)

   Alina Georgiana ANGHEL, Mihai DUMITRU, Adriana Oana ANGHEL

RINOPLASTIA-Tehnici chirurgicale de baza.

Editura Universitara „CAROL DAVILA”, Bucuresti, 2014.ISBN:978-973-708-733-1.

  1. Ion ANGHEL(A.Unic)


Editura Universitara „CAROL DAVILA ”Bucuresti, 2013.ISBN:978-973-708-657-0.


1.2. Capitol in tratat in edituri internanationale –Co- autor: 1

  1. George Dan MOGOSANU, Alexandru Mihai GRUMEZESCU, Ion ANGHEL,(Co-A-Cap.Carte

                 Ed.Intern), Mariana Carmen CHIFIRIUC

ESSENTIAL OILS and AROMOTHERAPY, vol 37, Essential Oils II, Recent Progress in

Medicinal Plants, J.N.Govil, (Chief Editor), Sanjib Bhattacharya (Volume Editor), 2013, Studium Press LLC, ISBN: 1-933699-97-3, USA.


1.3. Monografie/alte carti in edituri nationale – co-autor; 3

  1. Adrian COSTACHE (coordonator), Mihai DUMITRU, Ion ANGHEL(Co.A), Romica CERGAN


Editura „SITECH”, Craiova, 2013.ISBN:978-606-113574-5.  


CANCERUL DE LARINGE.Corelatii anatomo-chirurgicale

Editura Universitara „CAROL DAVILA”, Bucuresti ,2011.ISBN:978-973-708-597-9 .

  1. Romica CERGAN, Mihai DUMITRU, Gabriela Cornelia MUSAT, Adrian COSTACHE, Ion ANGHEL (Co-A), Andreea Nicoleta MARINESCU.


Editura AIUS PrintEd,Craiova,2016,ISBN:978-606-562-612-6.



1.4. Capitol in tratat in edituri nationale –CO-autor: 1

  1. Nicolae ANGELESCU, Florian POPA (sub redactia), G.Agafitei, I.Anghel (Co-A de Cap) M.Beuran, S.Bertesteanu, R.Grigore, B.Popescu, CR.Popescu, A.Toma


EDITURA MEDICALA, Bucuresti, 2011.ISBN:978-973-39-0650-6.


1.5. Capitol in tratat Edituri nationale-Autor unic cap.:1

  1. Petrus ALEXANDRESCU, Maria CIOBANU-BACANU, Ilie BADESCU, Emilian DOBRESCU, Lucian PRICOP (Coordonatori.)

EDUCATIE IDENTITATE in Procesul Integrarii Ramaniei in Uniunea Europeana. Realitatati si Perspective ale Invatamantului Romanesc. Vol II Cap.II. Educatie, Formare, Evaluare: 9.Starea de sanatate a populatiei –un indicator al eficientei educatiei sanitare, pag.47-51. (Ion Anghel)(Cap-Carte Ed-Nat).

EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Bucuresti, 2009.ISBN:978-973-27-1769-1.


1.5. Monografie in edituri Internationale (Co-Autor): 1

  1. M.Dumitru, I.Anghel, A.Costache


Ed.SHAKER VERLAG, Aachen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8440-3848-4




Editura”NICULESCU”, Bucuresti, 2002.

  1. 12. Ion ANGHEL, IuliaGRECU


Editura”UNIVERSITAS”, Bucuresti ,2002.ISBN:973-8494-03-6.

  1. 13. Ion ANGHEL


Editura „UNIVERSITAS”, Bucuresti, 2001.973-85346-2-3.

  1. Ion ANGHEL

Rinoplastia-Chirurgia corectoare si reparatorie a piramidei nazale

Editura „CRIS BOOK UNIVERSAL”, Bucuresti, 1997.ISBN:973-96492-5-4.












1.Articole in extenso cotate ISI Thomson Reuters(cu factor de impact) ca autor principal: 21


   1.1.Autor principal ca prim autor:16


  1. Synthesis and bioevaluation of magnetic particles based on chitosan and phytocomponents from Eugenia Carryophyllata aqueous extract.

Ion Anghel,Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu ,Alina Georgiana Anghel ,Crina Saviuc,Cristina Croitoru,Dan Mihaiescu,Carmen Chifiriuc.

Enviromental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.14, Nr.4, p:855-861, April.2015.Factor Impact:1,069.


  1. Improved activity of aminoglycosides entrapped in silica networks against microbial strains isoladed from otolaryngological infections.

Ion Anghel, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Maria Holban, Irina Gheorghe, Mihaela Vlad, Georgiana Alina Anghel, Paul Catalin Balaure, Carmen Mariana Chifiriuc, Ioana Mihaiela Ciuca

Farmacia 2014, nr.1, vol.62, pg.69-78, ianuarie-februarie 2014.Factor Impact: 1,251.

  1. Biohybrid Nanostructured Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Satureja hortensis to Prevent Fungal Biofilm Development

Ion Anghel, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Maria Holban, Anton Ficai, Alina Georgiana Anghel,  Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc.

Int.J. Mol. Sci.2013, 14, 18110-18123; (2 September 2013). Factor Impact: 2,862.

  1. Efficient surface functionalization of wound dressings by a phytoactive nanocoating refractory to Candida albicans biofilm development.

Anghel  I, Holban  AM, Andronescu  E, Grumezescu  AM and Chifiriuc  MC ,Biointerphases 2013, 8:12 (25 April 2013). Factor Impact: 2,677.(FIC:3,374).

  1. Hybrid nanostructured coating for increased resistance of prosthetic devices to staphylococcal colonization.

Ion Anghel, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu,

Nanoscale Research Letters 2013, 8:6 (2 January 2013). (F.I.Curent:2,78),Factor Impact 2013:2,

  1. Modified wound dressing with phyto-nanostructured coating to prevent staphylococcal and pseudomonal biofilm development.

Ion Anghel, Alina Maria Holban, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, Anton Ficai, Alina Georgiana Anghel,Maria Maganu, Veronica Lazar, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc,

Nanoscale Research Letters 2012,7:690 (31 December 2012). Factor Impact:2,52. (F.I.Curent:2,78).

  1. Magnetite nanoparticles for functionalized textile dressing to prevent fungal biofilms development.

Ion Anghel, Alexandru Grumezescu ,Ecaterina Andronescu, Alina Anghel,Anton Ficai, Crina Saviuc, Valentina Grumezescu, Bogdan Vasile,Mariana Chifiriuc.

Nanoscale Research Letters 2012, 7:501 (6 September 2012). Factor Impact:2,52. (F.I.Curent:2,78).

  1. In vitro evaluation of anti-pathogenic surface coating nanofluid, obtained by combining Fe3O4/C12 nanostructures and 2-((4-ethylphenoxy)methyl)-N-(substituted-phenylcarbamothioyl)-benzamides.

Ion Anghel, Carmen Limban, Alexandru Grumezescu, Alina Anghel, Coralia Bleotu, Mariana Chifiriuc.

Nanoscale Research Letters 2012, 7:513 (19 September 2012). Factor Impact:2,52. (F.I.Curent:2,78).

  1. Phenotypic and genotypic assessment of virulence factors in betahemolytic streptococci isolated from kindergarten infantile population, with or without clinical symptoms, including scarlet fever.

Ion Anghel, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Magda Mitache, Luminita Marutescu,Alina Georgiana Anghel, Marcela Popa, Diana Pelinescu, Coralia Bleotu,Veronica Lazar. Farmacia 2012, nr.1, vol.60, January-February 2012 Factor Impact:0,578.(FIC:1,251).

  1. Antibiotic potentiator effect of the natural and synthetic zeolites with well defined nanopores with possible ENT clinical applications.

Ion Anghel, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Georgiana Anghel Iulian Chireac, Luminita Marutescu, Dan Eduard Mihaiescu,Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc.

Farmacia 2012, nr.5, vol.60, 688-695, September-October 2012 Factor Impact:0,578.

  1. Reconstructive rhinoplasty in cases with basal cell carcinoma of the nose.

I.Anghel, A.G.Anghel

Chirurgia 2012, Vol.107, nr.3, 373-379, Mai-Iunie 2012. Factor Impact:0,770.


  1. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma-Analysis of Risk Factors and Immunological Markers.

I.Anghel, A.G.Anghel, M.Dumitru, C.C.Soreanu

Chirurgia 2012, Vol.107, nr.5, 640-646, September-October 2012. Factor Impact: 0,770.

  1. Craniofacial trauma produced by a violent mechanism, Coltea ENT Clinic experience.

I.Anghel, A.G.Anghel, CCSoreanu, M.Dumitru,

Rom. J.Leg.Med. 2012,20(3) 215-218 (September 2012). Factor Impact:0,

  1. How relevant are the estimations of the fractal dimension of the texture and contour to discriminate between malignant and benign sinus tumors –A statistical study.
  2. Anghel, Raluca Roxana Purnichescu Purtan, Andreea Udrea.

U.P.B.Sci.Bull.,Series A,Vol. 74,Iss.3,2012,p.57-67. Factor Impact:0,300.

  1. Protective effect of magnetite nanoparticle Salvia officinalis essential oil hybrid nanobiosystem against fungal colonisation on the Provox voice section prosthesis.

I.Anghel, V.Grumezescu, E. Andronescu, G.A.Anghel, A.M. Grumezescu, D.E. Mihaiescu, M.C.Chifiriuc

Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, Vol.7, nr.3, p.1205-1212, July-September 2012. Factor Impact 2012:1,092 (F.I curent:1,123).

www.digest+journal+ nanomaterials+

  1. Pathogenic features and therapeutical implications of biofilm development ability in microbial strains isolated from rhinologic chronic infections.

Ion Anghel, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Georgiana Alina Anghel.

Farmacia 2011, nr.6, vol.59, 770-784, November-December 2011 Factor Impact:0,578.


1.2. Autor principal ca author corresponding: 3


  1. In vitro evaluation of bactericidal and antibiofilm activity of Lonicera tatarica and Viburnum opulus plant extracts on staphylococcus strains.

Mariana Viorica Bubulica,Ion Anghel, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Crina Saviuc, Georgiana Alina Anghel, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc,Irina Gheorghe, Veronica Lazar, Alexandru Popescu.

Farmacia 2012, nr.1, vol.60, January-February 2012 Factor Impact:0,578.

  1. The Use of Gastrostomy Procedures in HNC Patients.

A.G.Anghel, I Anghel, M. Dumitru, D.Cristian, T.Burcos

Chirurgia 2013, Vol.108, nr.3, 341-346,     May-June 2013. Factor Impact:0,

  1. Respiratory and phonatory impairment due to iatrogenic vocal fold paralysis and paresis. A retrospective study of 188 patients

A.G. Anghel, I Anghel, M.Dumitru, CC Soreanu,

Rom.J.Leg.Med 20(4), 287-290, (December 2012). Factor Impact:0,208.


1.3. Autor principal ca ultim-autor: 2


  1. Ursodeoxycholic acid effects on cystic fibrosis liver disease.

Ioana Mihaela Ciuca, Liviu Pop, Aurelian Emil Ranetti, Iuliana M.Popescu, Bogdan Almajan –Guta, Ioana Maria Malita, Ion Anghel. Farmacia 2015, nr.4, vol.63, 543-547, iulie-august 2015.Factor Impact:1,251.

  1. Adult cervical Lymphangioma –ultrasonography, surgical removal, and patology results. Case report

Costache A, Dumitru M,Tweedie D,Sarafoleanu C,Anghel I.

Medical Ultrasonography, Vol. 17(3)):410-412, Sept, 2015.Factor Impact:1,


2.Articole in extenso cotate ISI Thomson Reuters(cu factor de impact) co-autor: 3


  1. 22. Ultrasonographic anatomy of head and neck – a pictorial for the ENT specialist

Costache A, Dumitru M, Anghel I, Cergan R, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

Medical Ultrasonography, Vol. 17(1):104-108,Martie, 2015.Factor Impact:1,


  1. 23. MAPLE Fabricated Fe3O4@Cinnamomum verum Antimicrobial Surfaces for Improved Gastrostomy Tubes.

Alina Georgiana Anghel, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Mariana Chirea, Valentina Grumezescu, Gabriel Socol, Florin Iordache, Alexandra Elena Oprea, Ion Anghel, Alina Maria Holban

Molecules 2014, 19, 8981-8994; doi:10.3390/molecules19078981.Factor Impact:2,095 (F.I.c:2,42).

  1. Associations between carotid intimamedia thickness and cardiovascular risc markers in obese children.

Elena Daniela Casariu, Bogdan Virgolici, Maria Greabu, Alexandra Totan, Miricescu Daniela, Niculina Mitrea, Anghel Ion, Maria Mohora.

Farmacia 2011,nr.4, vol.59,471-483,July-August 2011. Factor Impact:0,578.(F.Ic:1,251)





– Minim 25 articole în extenso în reviste şi volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice indexate ISI sau în alte BDI, din care 5 de la ultima promovare (1 articol ISI cu IF<1 se echivalează cu 3 articole în reviste indexate BDI, dar nu şi invers; 1 articol ISI cu IF≥1 se echivalează cu 5 articole în reviste indexate BDI, dar nu şi invers);


      Articole in extenso indexate BDI: 20 (15 PA+5CoA,ultimii 5 ani).



  1. Particularitatile clinice si chirurgicale ale unui caz clinic cu hemangiom cavernos parafaringian. Anghel, Alina Anghel.Romanian Medical Journal vol.LVIII,nr.1,2011,
  2. Caz clinic cu chist branhial suprainfectat si simptomatologie compresiva asupra cailor aeriene superioare. Anghel, Alina Anghel. Romanian Medical Journal vol.LVIII,nr.4,2011.
  3. Papilomul invertit. Ion Anghel, Alina Anghel, Elia Barbuceanu, Catalin Stefan, Roxana Matei,

 Practica medicala,vol.VI,Nr.1(21),2011,

  1. Particularitati ale limfomului non-Hodgkin in sfera ORL.

Ion Anghel, Alina Anghel, Ana-Maria Chirtesiu, Roxana Matei, Catalin stefan, Adriana Anghel,

Practica medicala,vol.VI,Nr.1(21),2011,p.72-76.

  1. Corelatia clinica si terapeutica dintre obstructia nazala si tulburarile respiratorii in timpul somnului. Ion Anghel, Alina Anghel, Roxana Matei, Adriana Anghel .Practica medicala,VI,Nr.3(23),2011,p.242-245.
  2. Proteza vocala post-laringectomie si reabilitarea respiratorie pulmonara. Studiu clinic pe 24 pacienti cu laringectomie totala la care s-au implantat proteze vocale tip” Provox”.Ion Anghel, Alina Anghel, C. Stefan, Roxana Matei. Practica medicala,vol.VI,Nr.3(23),2011,p.245-249.

7.Principii de diagnostic in rinitele alergice. Roxana Mihaela Matei, Ion Anghel, Alina Anghel.Practica medicala,vol.VI,Nr.4(24),2011.

  1. Particularitati in chirurgia endoscopica rinosinusala.Ion Anghel, Alina Anghel, Roxana Matei, Oana Adriana Anghel. Practica medicala,vol.VII,Nr.2(26),2012.p.144-153.
  2. Corpii straini esofagieni – consideratii etiopatogenice, clinice si terapeutice. Ion Anghel, Georgiana Alina Anghel, Roxana Matei, Oana Adriana Anghel.Practica medicala,vol.VII,Nr.2(26),2012.p.144-161.

10.Patologia tumorala amigdaliana – experienta clinicii orl Coltea.Ion Anghel, Alina G. Anghel, Cristian C. Soreanu, Mihai Dumitru. Practica medicala,vol.VII,Nr.4(28),2012.p.320-323.

  1. Caz rar de boala Castleman ,unicentrica,de tip plasmocitar cu localizare la nivelul gatului.

Ion Anghel,Alina Anghel. Medicina Moderna ,Vol.XIX,Nr.2,(Aprilie-Mai –Iunie)2012.

  1. Adenopatia-Problema de diagnostic si colaborare interdisciplinara. Ion Anghel,Anca Ciobanu,Oana Stanca,Alina Georgiana Anghel,Mihai Dumitru,Anca Roxana Lupu. Medicina Moderna,Vol.XX,Nr. (3),
  2. Treatment Options for Severe Epistaxis, the Experience of Coltea . Alina Georgiana ANGHEl, Cristian Costin SOREANU,Mihai DUMITRU, Ion ANGHEL. MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine,2014; 9(2): 179-182.
  3. Ultrasonography of head and neck lymph nodes performed by the ENT specialist. Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C. Romanian Journal of Rhinology, vol. 4, no. 14, April-June 2014,p.99-104. .
  4. Importanta utilizarii alimentatiei prin gastrostoma endoscopica percutanata in managementul  pacientilor cu neoplasme ale capului si  gatului. Alina Georgiana ANGHEl, Ion ANGHEL, Mihai DUMITRU.Dan CRISTIAN,Traean BURCOS. Practica Medicala,Vol.10,Nr.2(39),2015,p.156-163.
  5. Correlations between morphology and ultrasound exam in cases with nasal and paranasal sinuses pathology.M.Dumitru,D.Tweedie,I.Anghel,R.Cergan,C.Sarafoleanu,A.Costache

R.j.of Rhinology,Vol.5,Nr.19,July-September,167-173,2015,p.167-172.

  1. Comparison between surgeon-performed versus imaging specialist- performed ultrasonography for head and neck pathology.

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Sarafoleanu C, Costache A.

Acta Medica Transilvanica. ISSN: 2285-7079. 2015; 20(3):101-103. CNCSIS B+

  1. Left hemilaryngeal carcinoma complicated with an external laryngocele.

Simioniuc A, Anghel AG, Dumitru M, Anghel AO, Anghel I.

Romanian Journal of Medical Practice, 2016; 11(1): 79-82. CNCSIS B+

  1. Close cooperation between the ENT specialist performing ultrasonography and the pathologist for the management of head and neck masses.

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Sarafoleanu C, Costache A

Acta Medica Transilvanica. ISSN: 2285-7079. 2016; 21(1):74-76. CNCSIS B+

  1. A 75-year old patient with multinodular goiter complicated with mitral stenosis and chronic pulmonary disease – the importance of surgeon performed ultrasound.

Anghel I, Condeescu M, Dumitru M, Anghel AG, Anghel OA, Cergan R.

Acta Medica Transilvanica. ISSN: 2285-7079. 2016; 21(2):71-73. CNCSIS B+





  1. I Anghel,P Patrascu,Covaci A,Popescu A,Anghel A.”Diagnostic si management intr-un caz de celulita orbitara cu abces extraperiostal si abces intracerebral ,secundare unei sinuzite paranazale.” Rev Rom de ORL,nr1,2007.
  2. I Anghel,Covaci A.Nicu O,Anghel A “Chist branhial-caz particular cu infectie secundara si simptomatologie compresiva” Rev. Rom .ORL,nr2,2007
  3. I Anghel,Andreea Popescu “Etiologia si mecanismele imunologice in rinosinuzitele alergice”Rev. Rom .ORL nr3,2006
  4. I Anghel,Covaci “Aspecte etiologice si de carcinogeneza in cancerul laringian” Rev.Rom.ORL nr.3,2006
  5. I Anghel,Covaci,A.Popescu “Sarcomul Ewing localizare exceptionala pentru sfera ORL”Rev.Rom.ORLnr.3,2006
  6. I Anghel,C .Pavelescu,”Boala Castleman” Rev.Rom.ORL nr4.4,2004
  7. I Anghel,I Pedestru,C.Pavelescu”Hamartomul Faringian”Rev.Rom.ORL,nr.4,2004.
  8. I Anghel,D.Tudor “Hemangiomul cavernos faringian”Rev.Rom.ORL,nr.2,2004.
  9. I Anghel,D .Tudor,”Sinuzita fronto-etmoido-maxilara stinga supurata cronica reacutizata complicata cuempiem subdural frontal sting si encefalita abcedata de pol frontal sting”rev.Rom.ORL,nr.1,2004.
  10. I Anghel,Tudor„Factorii genetici si surditatea”Rev.Rom.ORL,nr.2,2003.
  11. I Anghel,D.Tudor “Carcinom bazocelular keratozic al pielii piramidei nazale si vestibulul nazal”rev.Rom.ORL,nr.2,2003.
  12. I Anghel,D.Tudor,”Actualitati in tratamentul medicamentos al tulburarilor de auz si echilibru”Rev.Rom.ORL,nr.3,2003.
  13. I Anghel,Dragomir,I.Grecu,”Chirurgia functionala rinosinusala.Indicatii si limite ale tehnicelor endoscopice”Rev.Rom.ORL,nr.3,2003.
  14. I Anghel,Dragomir,I.Grecu “Consideratii etiopatogenice, clinice si terapeutice in fracturile piramidei nazale”.Rev.Rom.ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXIV,nr.1,2002,pag.30-33.
  15. I Anghel,I.Grecu,D.Dragomir”Reconstructia piramidei nazale utilizind Osteovit”,Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXIV,nr.2,2002,pag.115-117.
  16. I Anghel,Dragomi,I Grecu”Chist sebaceu cheratozic voluminos al scalpului.”,Rev.Rom.ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXIV,nr.3,2002,pag.179-181.
  17. Iulia Grecu,Ion Anghel,Consideratii actuale privind diagnosticul si tratamentul carcinomului nazofaringian.Rev Orl,Oto-rino-laringologia,Vol.XXIV,nr.2,2002,pag.42-45.
  18. Anghel,I.Grecu”Chistadenolimfom(tumora Warthin) localizat in spatiul parafaringian” ,Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXIII,nr.3-4,2001,pag.58-63.
  19. Anghel,I.Grecu,”Reconstructia columelei nazale utilizind grefa compusa,piele-cartilaj auricular”,Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,XXIII,nr.1-2,2001,pag.134-137.
  20. Anghel, “Otoplastia estetica pentru corectarea urechii proeminente(in ansa)”Rev.ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXIII,nr.3-4,2001,pag.138-142.
  21. Anghel,”Rinoplastia secundara in deformatiile nazale asociate cu despicatura unilaterale de buza.”Rev.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia ,nr.1-2,2001,pag.101-104.
  22. Iulia Grecu,Constanta Antipa,Ion Anghel,Actualitati in diagnosticul carcinomului nazo-faringian,Rev ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,,vol.XXIII,nr.1-2,2001,pag.127-130.
  23. Iulia Grecu, Ion Anghel,Paul Grecu,Dificultati de diagnostic in algiiile oculo-orbito-frontale, Rev ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,,vol.XXIII,nr.3-4,2001,pag.138-142.
  24. Anghel”Rinoplastie deschisa.Particularitatile inciziilor nazale externe.”Rev.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,nr.3-4,2000,par.33-36.
  25. Anghel,”Utilizarea lambourilor cutanate faciale in chirurgia tumorilor maligne ale piramidei nazale”,Rev.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia ,nr.3-4,2000,pag.80-83.
  26. Anghel “Utilizarea lamboului mucos turbinal inferior pentru inchiderea perforatiei sept nazal”Rev.ORL ,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXI,nr.1-2,2000,pag. 100-102.
  27. Anghel “Rinoplastia de revizuire”,Rev.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia ,vol.XXI,nr.1-2,2000,pag. 109-118.
  28. Anghel “Rinoplastie extramucoasa controlata”,Rev.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia ,vol.XXI,nr.1-2,2000,pag.132-138.
  29. Anghel,I.Grecu,”Schwanomul submandibular.”Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,volXLVII, nr.3-4,2000,pag.106-108.
  30. Ionescu,D.Cinca,CR.Popescu,Ion Anghel,Experienta clinicii ORL Coltea privind insuficienta respiratorie acuta la adult in perioada 1995-1999. Rev.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia ,vol.XXI,nr.1-2,2000,pag.62-69
  31. Anghel,Iulia Grecu,Esthesioneuroepiteliom de fosa nazala stinga –caz clinic, Rev.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia ,vol.XX,nr.1-2,1999,pag.128-131.
  32. Anghel,Iulia Grecu,Complicatii orbitooculare de origine nazo-sinusala. Rev.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia ,vol.XX,nr.1-2,1999,pag.14-16.
  33. Anghel,Iulia Grecu,Piolaringocelul mixt, Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XIX, nr.3-4,1998,pag.94-97.
  34. Anghel,Iulia Grecu,Complicatiile traumatismelor nazale,Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XVII,nr 1-2,1997,pag.117-119.
  35. Anghel,N.Ionescu,Iulia Grecu,P.Grecu,Consideratii etiopatogenice,clinice si terapeutice in dacriocistitele de origine rinosinusala, Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XVII,nr 1-2,1997,pag.107-113.
  36. Anghel,Iulia Grecu,Importanta grefonului osos corticospongios de creasta iliaca in chirurgia piramidei nazale ,Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XVII,nr.1-2,1997,pag.83-85..
  37. Ionescu,,CR.Popescu,M.Visan,I Anghel,Experienta clinicii ORL Coltea in stenozele esofagiene postcaustice la adulti. Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XVIII,nr 3-4,1997,pag.9-15.
  38. Anghel,N.Ionescu,D.Cinca,Cancerul orofaringelui.Experienta clinicii ORL Coltea in perioada 1988-1995, Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XVI,nr 3-4,1996,pag.211-225.
  39. Anghel,N.Ionescu,Consideratii clinice asupra unui caz deosebit de corp strain esofagian(pat band). Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XVI,nr 1-2,1996,pag.71-75.
  40. Anghel, Aspecte privind biologia transplantului autogen de os, Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XL,nr 1-2,1995,pag.33-37.
  41. I Anghel,N Ionescu ,Plagile gitului -studiu clinic pe 88 cazuri. Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XL,nr 1-2,1995,pag.83-87.
  42. Ioana Pedestru,N Ionescu, I Anghel,Imunocompetenta mucoasei cailor respiratorii superioare, Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XL,nr 3-4,1995,pag.299-301.
  43. Popescu,N. Ionescu,I Anghel,Experienta clinicii ORL Coltea privind diagnosticul si tratamentul corpilor straini esofagieni, Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XL,nr 3-4,1995,pag.243-257.
  44. Ioana Pedestru,D CincaN Ionescu, I Anghel,Patologia alergica in sfera ORL, Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XL,nr 3-4,1995,pag.13-25.
  45. Ionescu,D Cinca,CR.Popescu,I Anghel, Experienta clinicii ORL Coltea privind insuficienta respiratorie acuta la adult in perioada 1989-1993 Rev.Rom.ORL, Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XL,nr 1-2,1995,pag.53-61.
  46. I Anghel,Consideratii asupra unui caz clinic de chist al tractului tireoglos voluminos la adult,rev. Orl ,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVIII,nr.3-4,1994,pag.85-93.
  47. I Anghel,Rinoplastia corectoare in hiperplaziile nazale globale.Consideratii clinice si terapeutice asupra unui lot de 100 cazuri operate. Rev. Orl ,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVIII,nr.1-2,1994,pag.91-101.
  48. I Anghel,Imunoterapia metoda adjuvanta in tratamentul complex al cancerului in sfera ORL Rev. Orl ,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVIII,nr.1-2,1994,pag.15-19.
  49. Ionescu,D.Cinca,CR Popescu,I Anghel si col.,Aspecte privind urgentele traumatice in sfera ORL,Rev.ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVIII,nr.1-2,1994,pag.33-39.
  50. Anghel ,Aspecte clinice si terapeutice privind traumatismele nazale la copil.,rev.ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVII,nr.3-4,1993,pag.11-15.
  51. Anghel ,Ranula sublinguala.,Rev.ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVII,nr.2,1993,pag.25-29.
  52. Anghel ,Consideratii clinice si terapeutice asupra neoplasmului de pavilion auricular,Rev.ORL,Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVII,nr.2,1993,pag.9-13.
  53. I Anghel,Consideratii pe marginea unui caz particular de corp strain nazo-etmoido-sfenoidal(bolt metalic),extras pe cale transseptala. Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVII,nr.1,1993,pag.34-38.
  54. I Anghel,Consideratii clinice si terapeutice pe marginea unui caz de limfangiom chistic la adult. Oto-rino-laringologia,vol.XXXVII,nr.1,1993,pag.25-29.







  1. Ultrasonographic examination of nasal and paranasal sinuses pathology, an exotic imaging technique

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society/33rd International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose (ERS/ISIAN 2014) ISSN:0300-0729,Rhinology( JEIS),Vol52,Supl.25/iunie 2014.


  1. Modified textile for nasal packing with phyto-nanostructured coating to prevent staphylococcal, pseudomonal and candida albicans in-vitro biofilm development

Anghel I, Grumezescu MA, Andronescu E, Chifiriuc MC, Anghel AG, Dumitru M

25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society/33rd International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose (ERS/ISIAN 2014),ISSN:0300-0729,Rhinology JEIS,,Vol52,Supl.25/iunie 2014.


  1. Lonicera Tartarica and Viburnum Opulus plant extracts present in vitro bactericidal and antibiofilm activity suitable for use in a nasal spray

Anghel AG, Anghel I, Grumezescu MA, Chifiriuc MC, Dumitru M

25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society/33rd International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose (ERS/ISIAN 2014) ISSN:0300-0729,Rhinology JEIS,,Vol52,Supl.25/iunie 2014.

  1. The use of a Romanian language version of the cosmetic procedures screening questionnaire as a screening tool for body dismorphic disorder among patients seeking rhinoplasty

Anghel I, Anghel AG, Dumitru M, Anghel AO, Sarafoleanu C

25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society/33rd International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose (ERS/ISIAN 2014) ISSN:0300-0729,Rhinology JEIS,,Vol52,Supl.25/iunie 2014.


5.Reconstructive  Rhinoplasty-Personal Experience, Ion Anghel ,6th European Congress of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, 30 iunie-4 iulie 2007, Viena (EUFOS),Abstract Book, Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. (2007) (Suppl. 1, 264),   EUFOS Congress, 2007, Viena, ISSN 0937-4477.


6.A case of orbital and intracerebral complications  secondary to suppurative pansinusitis. Ion Anghel ,6th European Congress of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery 30 iunie-4 iulie 2007, Viena (EUFOS). Abstract Book, Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. (2007) (Suppl. 1, 264), EUFOS    Congress, 2007, Viena, ISSN 0937-4477.






  1. Rinoplastia-actualitati privind indicatiilor si tehnicile chirurgicale

Ion Anghel. Conferinta Nationala de Medicina a Familiei,Oct 2016,Bucuresti,Practica Medicala,,Vol.11,Supliment(47),An 2016. ISSN:1842-8258.

  1. The importance of salivary glands sonography performed by the ENT specialist in increasing patient compliance to treatment

Dumitru M, Cergan R, Filipoiu F, Costache A, Anghel I, Sarafoleanu C

19th Ultrasonography National Conference with international participation Craiova, June 2016, p63-64, ISBN 978-973-106-272-3

3. Is elastography the new safety belt in salivary glands surgery?

Dumitru M, Cergan R, Filipoiu F, Anghel I, Sarafoleanu C

4th Congress of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, June 2016, Maedica JCM,vol11,Supliment 2016 ISSN:2501-6903.

4. The importance of phonatory rehabilitation with prosthesis for laryngectomy patients

Anghel I, Simioniuc A, Anghel AG, Anghel OA, Cojocarita-Condeescu M, Urs R, Dumitru M

4th Congress of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, June 2016,Maedica JCM,vol11,Supliment 2016 ISSN:2501-6903.

  1. Sindromul de obstructie nazala la copil-fenomene secundare.

Ion Anghel. Conferinta Nationala de Medicina a Familiei, 2015,Bucuresti,Practica Medicala,,Vol.10,Supliment(41),An 2015. ISSN:1842-8258.

  1. Rhynoplasty-what to do and not to do.

Ion Anghel (Panelist-Symposium-Rhynoplasty), 3rd Congress of the Romanian Rhinologic Society, Sighisoara,1-3 iulie ,2015, ,Acta Medica Marisiensis,Vol.61,Supl.3,2015,p.30,ISSN2068-3324.

  1. Ultrasonography performed by the otorhinolaryngologist in traumatic lesions of the nose

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

3rd Congress of the Romanian Rhinologic Society,1-3iulie, Sighisoara, 2015, Acta Medica Marisiensis,Vol.61,Supl.3,2015,p.14. ISSN2068-3324.

  1. Development of a nasal spray with aqueous plant extracts presenting in vitro bactericidal and antibiofilm activity

Anghel AG, Anghel I, Grumezescu M, Chifiriuc MC, Dumitru M, Sarafoleanu C

3rd Congress of the Romanian Rhinologic Society,  Sighisoara,1-3 iulie ,2015 Acta Medica Marisiensis,Vol.61,Supl.3,2015,p.5. ISSN2068-3324.

  1. Nanoparticle coating of nasogastric tubes preventing biofilm formation and pharyngocutaneous fistulas development

Anghel AG, Anghel I, Grumezescu AM, Dumitru M, Sarafoleanu C

3rd Congress of the Romanian Rhinologic Society, 1-3iulie,Sighisoara, 2015 Acta Medica Marisiensis,Vol.61,Supl.3,2015,p.24. ISSN2068-3324.

  1. Laryngeal sonography performed by the ENT specialist

Dumitru M, Costache A, Anghel I, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

18th National Conference of SRUMB, Constanta, 2015,ISSN:2343-9391

  1. Cost efficiency of ultrasound guided FNAB performed by the ENT specialist in the management of head and neck tumors

Dumitru M, Costache A, Anghel I, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

18th National Conference of SRUMB, Constanta, 2015 ISSN:2343-9391

  1. Cervico-facial ultrasonographic anatomy landmarks in ENT practice.

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel A, Sarafoleanu C

16th National Congress of the Romanian Anatomy Society, Bucharest; May, 2015

ISBN-978-973-708-830-7, PREMIUL 1

  1. Pediatric head and neck masses – ultrasound pictorial review

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

5th Pediatric ENT National Conference with International Participation, Timisoara, 2014 ISSN:2392-7720

  1. Nasal airflow obstruction – an overview in pediatric ENT

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Anghel AG, Simioniuc A, Daraban A

5th Pediatric ENT National Conference with International Participation, Timisoara, 2014 ISSN:2392-7720

  1. Functional septorhinoplasty in pediatric cases

Anghel I, Anghel AG, Dumitru M, Simioniuc A, Daraban A

5th Pediatric ENT National Conference with International Participation, Timisoara, 2014


  1. Pediatric adenotensillectomy using coblation, literature review and meta analysis

Anghel AG, Anghel I, Dumitru M, Simioniuc A, Daraban A

5th Pediatric ENT National Conference with International Participation, Timisoara, 2014 ISSN:2392-7720

  1. Ultrasonography as a screening and diagnostic tool for head and neck masses in an emergency ENT department

Dumitru M, Coastache A, Anghel I, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

17th National Conference of SRUMB, Timisoara, May 2014, ISBN: 978-973-108-579-1.

  1. Thyroid pathology-morphologic correlations with ultrasonographic examination A.Costache,C.Costache,M.Dumitru,I.Anghel,C.Sarafoleanu,”National Conference of Family Medicine ,November,2013,Bucharest,Romanian Journal of Medical Practice ,vol.VIII,Suplement (32),2013,.ISSN-1842-8258
  2. Cervical lymph nodes-sonographic criteria for differentiating benign versus malignant. A.Costache,C.Costache,M.Dumitru,I.Anghel,C.Sarafoleanu ,National Conference of Family Medicine ,November,2013,Bucharest,Romanian Journal of Medical Practice ,vol.VIII,Suplement (32),2013. ISSN-1842-8258
  3. Ultrasonographic anathomy of head and neck

A.Costache,C.Costache,M.Dumitru,I.Anghel,C.Sarafoleanu, National Conference of Family Medicine ,November,2013,Bucharest,Romanian Journal of Medical Practice ,vol.VIII,Suplement (32),2013. ISSN-1842-8258.

  1. Surgical management of advanced carcinoma of the palatine tonsils-step by step,

I.Anghel, Alina G.Anghel, M.Dumitru National ENT Conference, 27-30 June, 2013, Baile Felix, Oradea, Romania. ISBN978-606-10-1094-3

  1. Nutritional options for patients benefiting from nasogastric tube or PEG after total laryngectomy, Alina G..Anghel,I.Anghel,M.Dumitru National ENT Conference , 27-30 June,2013,Baile Felix,Oradea,Romania. ISBN978-606-10-1094-3
  2. The value of ultrasonogrphic criteria for differentiating benign versus malignant cervical lymph nodes in ENT, M.Dumitru, I.Anghel, Alina G.Anghel National ENT Conference, 27-30, June, 2013, Baile Felix, Oradea, Romania. ISBN978-606-10-1094-3.
  3. Rhino-septoplasty in the cases with crooked nose I.Anghel,Alina.G.Anghel,M.Dumitru 2th Meeting of the EAORL-HNS and CEOR-HNS, 27-30 April,2013,Nice,France.ISBN:978-2-7 466-6208-7.
  4. Reconstructive Rhinoplasty using of facial skin flaps in surgery of nose basal cell carcinoma, I.Anghel,Alina.G.Anghel,M.Dumitru 2th Meeting of the EAORL-HNS and CEOR-HNS, 27-30 April,2013,Nice,France. ISBN:978-2-7 466-6208-7.
  5. 26. The use of gastrostomy procedures ,PEG,in surgery of the larynx cancer G.Anghel I.Anghel,M.Dumitru,2th Meeting of the EAORL-HNS and CEOR-HNS, 27-30 April,2013,Nice,France. ISBN:978-2-7 466-6208-7.
  6. Ultrasonography performed by the ENT specialist in the management of patients with neck masses M. Dumitru,I.Anghel,A.CostacheAlina.G.Anghel,C.Sarafoleanu, 2th Meeting of the EAORL-HNS and CEOR-HNS, 27-30 April,2013,Nice,France. ISBN:978-2-7 466-6208-7.
  7. Rhinoplasty–Experienta personala, Ion Anghel,XXXI Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-Facila, 3-6 mai ,2006 Timisoara(vol rezum.ISBN(10)973-661-855-2.
  8. Boala Castelman Ion Anghel ,Anca Lupu,XXXI Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-Faciala 3-6 mai ,2006 Timisoara(vol rezum.ISBN(10)973-661-855-2.
30. Salivary Glands Pathology – Sjogren Syndrome in ENT practice

Dumitru M, Sarafoleanu C, Anghel I, Filipoiu F, Cergan R

National ENT and HNS Conference with International Participation, Baile Felix, 2016 ISBN 2537 – 3277

31. Ultrasonographic Pharyngeal Endocavitary Sonography Exam – Step by Step

Dumitru M, Sarafoleanu C, Anghel I, Costache A, Cergan R

National ENT and HNS Conference with International Participation, Baile Felix, 2016 ISBN 2537 – 3277

32.Questionnaire for the analysis of the connection between hipersensibility to commercial perfume substances and cases with allergic rhinitis

Dumitru M, Berghi O, Sarafoleanu C, Anghel I, Cergan R

National ENT and HNS Conference with International Participation, Baile Felix, 2016 ISBN 2537 – 3277

33.  The influence of microorganism content in biofilms regarding the lifetime of laryngeal prosthesis

Simioniuc A, Dumitru M, Anghel AG, Condeescu M, Urs R, Anghel I

National ENT and HNS Conference with International Participation, Baile Felix, 2016. ISBN 2537 – 3277

34.  Rhinoplasty – actual trends regarding indications and surgical techniques

Anghel I, Anghel AG, Urs R, Simioniuc A, Condeescu M, Dumitru M, Anghel OA

National ENT and HNS Conference with International Participation, Baile Felix, 2016. ISBN 2537 – 3277

35.  Clinical Case – Tumor Mass at the Level of the Maxilary Sinus and Rhinopharynx

Condeescu M, Urs R, Simioniuc A, Anghel AG, Dumitru M, Anghel I

National ENT and HNS Conference with International Participation, Baile Felix, 2016 ISBN 2537 – 3277

36.  Ultrasonographic differential diagnosis in pediatric pathology of salivary glands

Dumitru M, Sarafoleanu C, Anghel I, Costache A, Cergan R

2nd National Pediatric ENT Congress with International Participation, Iasi, 2016. ISSN2067-6530

  1. Complicatiile adenoiditelor acute la copil

Ion Anghel,Anca Simioniuc,Rodica Urs,Alina G. Anghel

2nd National Pediatric ENT Congress with International Participation, Iasi, 2016 ISSN2067-6530

  1. Sindromul de apnee in somn de tip obstructive la copii.

Ion Anghel,Anca Simioniuc,Rodica Urs,Alina G. Anghel

2nd National Pediatric ENT Congress with International Participation, Iasi, 2016. ISSN2067-6530

  1. Tratamentul chirurgical classic vs tratamentul chirurgical prin RF sau Coblatie in cazul adenoamigdalitei cornice.

Ion Anghel,Anca Simioniuc,Rodica Urs,Alina G. Anghel

2nd National Pediatric ENT Congress with International Participation, Iasi, 2016 ISSN2067-6530

40.  The use of endocavitary ultrasound of the oral cavity and pharynx in ENT. A pilot study.Dumitru M, Anghel I, Sarafoleanu C.National ENT Conference, Craiova, 2015. ISSN2067-6530

41.  The use of ultrasound guided FNA and elastography in the pathology of salivary glandsDumitru M, Anghel I, Sarafoleanu C

National ENT Conference, Craiova, 2015 ISSN2067-6530

42.  Intracapsular tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy using coblation

Dumitru M, Tweedie D, Sarafoleanu C

National ENT Conference, Craiova, 2015 ISSN2067-6530

43.  Algorithm of selection and management of patients receiving phonatory rehabilitation after total laryngectomy.

Anghel AG, Anghel I, Dumitru M

National ENT Conference, Craiova, 2015 ISSN2067-6530






1.Dupa ultima promovare: 54



  1. Cost efficiency of ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy performed by the ENT specialist for head and neck masses

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Sarafoleanu C, Cergan R

41st Conventus Societas ORL Latina. Torino, July 2016

  1. Salivary glands elastography, a new tool in current ENT practice

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Sarafoleanu C, Cergan R

41st Conventus Societas ORL Latina. Torino, July 2016

  1. Retrospective analysis of patients receiving voice rehabilitation with tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis after total laryngectomy

Simioniuc A, Dumitru M, Anghel AG, Anghel I

41st Conventus Societas ORL Latina. Torino, July 2016.

  1. Alimentation through percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in preventing the development of pharyngocutaneous fistulas

Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C, Dumitru M, Anghel I

41st Conventus Societas ORL Latina. Torino, July 2016

  1. Retrospective analysis of cases with reconstructive procedures for facial skin tumors

Banica AM, Dumitru M, Anghel OA, Anghel I

41st Conventus Societas ORL Latina. Torino, July 2016

  1. Nasal tip surgery techniques a review of 50 cases

Anghel I, Anghel AG, Anghel OA, Dumitru M

41st Conventus Societas ORL Latina. Torino, July 2016

  1. Revision rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose

Anghel I, Anghel AG, Anghel OA, Dumitru M

41st Conventus Societas ORL Latina. Torino, July 2016.

  1. The learning curve for ultrasonography performed first hand by the ENT specialist as central diagnostic tool in the management of head and neck masses

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, Prague, 2015

  1. Elastography- novel diagnostic imaging technique combined with standard sonography in the management of salivary glands pathology

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, Prague, 2015

  1. Comparison between the use of normal diet through nasogastric tubes and liquid concentrates administered through percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in patients undergoing total laryngectomy

Anghel AG, Anghel I, Dumitru M, Cristian D, Burcos T, Sarafoleanu C

3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, Prague, 2015.

  1. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) in the management of patients with pharyngo-laryngeal carcinoma and prevention of paryngocutaneous fistulas

Anghel AG, Anghel I, Dumitru M, Cristian D, Burcos T, Sarafoleanu C

3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, Prague, 2015

  1. The importance of age, cultural level and social background in the selection of patients receiving voice rehabilitation with tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis after total laryngectomy

Anghel I, Anghel AG, Dumitru M, Simioniuc A, Daraban A

3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, Prague, 2015

  1. The use of nanoparticle coating on percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes for improved antimicrobial surfaces in patients with head and neck cancer

Anghel I, Anghel AG, Grumezescu AM, Chirea M, Socol G, Iordache F, Dumitru M

3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, Prague, 2015.

  1. Reconstructive surgical procedures in cases with basal cell carcinoma.

I.Anghel,A.G.Anghel,M.Dumitru, A.O.Anghel,C.Sarafoleanu

European Rhinoplastyn Summit,26-28 March, Munich,2014

  1. Plastic prosthesis with phyto-nanostructured coating preventing in vitro biofilm development suitable for closure of septal perforations.

I.Anghel, AMGrumezescu,E Anfdronescu,MC ChifiriucA.G.Anghel,M.Dumitru, A.O.Anghel,

European Rhinoplastyn Summit,26-28 March, Munich,2014

  1. Complications in functional and aesthetic rhinoseptoplasty .A metaanalisis of published complications in romanian publications.

I.Anghel,A.G.Anghel,M.Dumitru, A.O.Anghel,C.Sarafoleanu

European Rhinoplasty Summit,26-28 March, Munich,2014.

  1. Bone anchored hearing AID with hydroxyapatite abutment efficient in preventing necrosis of cutaneous flaps.


13th International Conference  on Cochlear Implants and other Implantabile Auditory Technologies

18-21 June Munich 2014.

  1. The importance of ultrasonography and ultrasound guided FNA performed by the ENT specialist in the diagnosis of head and neck masses

Dumitru M, Costache A, Anghel I, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

The Romanian-Moldavian Conference of ENT Residents and PhD Students, RRS, Bucharest, 2011

19. Close cooperation between ENT surgeon and imaging specialist reduced the risks during ultrasound guided biopsy in the management of head and neck masses

Dumitru M, Costache A, Anghel I, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

27th Congress and Refresher Course ESHNR 2014, Marseille, ranked in top 10 most viewed abstracts

20. Carcinoma of the larynx – a sonographic pictorial review

Dumitru M, Costache A, Anghel I, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

27th Congress and Refresher Course ESHNR 2014, Marseille, ranked in top 10 most viewed abstracts

  1. 21. Ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool for differentiating benign versus malignant head and neck masses

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

13th Danube International Otorhinolaryngological Congress 2014 and ENT National Congress 2014

  1. Prevention of pharingocutaneous fistula through percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) in patients with surgery for laryngeal carcinoma

Anghel AG, Anghel I, Dumitru M, Cristian D, Burcos T

13th Danube International Otorhinolaryngological Congress 2014 and ENT National Congress 2014

  1. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy for management of head and neck masses

Dumitru M, Anghel I, Costache A, Anghel AG, Sarafoleanu C

13th Danube International Otorhinolaryngological Congress 2014 and ENT National Congress 2014

  1. Endoscopic Rhinoseptoplasty,

I.Anghel, (speaker)” 9th International Endoscopic Sinus       Surgery  Course,21-22 November,2013,Bucharest.

  1. Postsurgery artificial enteral nutrition by percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy(PEG)in pharingolaringeal cancer patients,

I.Anghel,A.G.Anghel,,D.Cristian,M.Dumitru,T.Burcos, 14thNational Clinical Nutrition Symposum,11-13 October ,2013,Poiana Brasov,Romania

26.Ultrasonography for the managementof head and neck massesin pediatric ENT practice.

M.Dumitru,I.Anghel ,A.Costache,A.G.Anghel,C.Sarafoleanu, 4th Romanian Pediatric ENT Conference , 12-14 ,September,2013,Poiana Brasov,Romania.

  1. Frontal sinus osteomas:serie of cases and literature review

I.Anghel ,Alina Anghel,M.Dumitru, ,2nd Congres of the Romanian Rhinologic Society,4-6 September,2013,Piatra Neamt ,Romania.

  1. Complications in rhinoplasty:a pictorial review

I.Anghel, Alina Anghel,M.Dumitru2nd Congres of the Romanian Rhinologic Society,4-6 September,2013,Piatra Neamt ,Romania.

  1. 29. Is ultrasonographic examination of nasal and paranasal sinuses pathology old or new ,useless or useful?

M.Dumitru,I Anghel,A Costache,Alina  Anghel,C Sarafoleanu, 2nd Congres of the Romanian Rhinologic Society,4-6 September,2013,Piatra Neamt ,Romania.

  1. Functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty

I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,M.Dumitru,C.Soreanu,VIII Balkan Congress of ORL and HNS,10-12 June ,2012,Tirgu Mures ,Romania

  1. Surgical treatment of snoring and sleep apnea

I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,M.Dumitru,C.Soreanu, VIII Balkan Congress of ORL and HNS,10-12 June ,2012,Tirgu Mures ,Romania

  1. I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,M.Dumitru,C.Soreanu,Craniofacial trauma,descriptive study conducted on 317 patients of the Coltea ENT Clinic,VIII Balkan Congress of ORL and HNS,10-12 June ,2012,Tirgu Mures ,Romania.
  2. I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,M.Dumitru,C.Soreanu,A 9 year retrospectivestudz of the risk factors for nasopharyngeal carcinoma presented bz the patients admitted at Coltea Clinical Hospital in Bucharest,VIII Balkan Congress of ORL and HNS,10-12 June ,2012,Tirgu Mures ,Romania.
  3. 34. Alina Anghel,Anghel,M.Dumitru,C.Soreanu,Vocal fold paralzsis and paresis -a retrospective study of the patients admitted at Coltea Clinical Hospital in the last 4 years, VIII Balkan Congress of ORL and HNS,10-12 June ,2012,Tirgu Mures ,Romania.
  4. I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,M.Dumitru,C.Soreanu,Study regarding surgical treatment for cervico-facial cutaneous neoplasm in Coltea ENT Clinic,Al 33lea Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-faciala,8-10 Iunie, 2012,Tirgu-Mures,Romania.
  5. I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,M.Dumitru,C.Soreanu,Phonatory and respiratory rehabilitation after total laryngectomy-descriptive study in Coltea ENT Clinic,Al 33lea Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-faciala,8-10 Iunie, 2012,Tirgu-Mures,Romania.
  6. 37. C.Soreanu,I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,M Dumitru,Submandibular gland malignancy-cas report, Al 33lea Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-faciala,8-10 Iunie, 2012,Tirgu-Mures,Romania.
  7. 38. C.Soreanu,Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,M Dumitru,Diffuse necrotising phlegmon of the laterocervical region ,parotid and right tonsillar lodge ,after accidental organic solvent self-injection-case report, Al 33lea Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-faciala,8-10 Iunie, 2012,Tirgu-Mures,Romania.
  8. M.Dumitru,I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,C.Soreanu,Gigantic cervical tumor in a pacient who developed an aggressive hemorrhagicmetastasis 1 mounth post surgery, Al 33lea Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-faciala,8-10 Iunie, 2012,Tirgu-Mures,Romania.
  9. M.Dumitru,I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,C.Soreanu,Base cell carcinoma in the nasogenian region at a patient presenting simultaneously a spindle cell carcinoma invanding the left hemilaryngs and having a history of resected base cell carcinoma of the lower lip, Al 33lea Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervicofaciala,8-10 Iunie, 2012,Tirgu-Mures,Romania.
  10. I.Anghel,Surgical management of the crooked nose,1st Congress of the Romanian Rhinologic Society,2-5 November,2011,Bucharest, Romania.
  11. I.Anghel,Alina Anghel,Adriana Anghel,Management of the deviated nose,1st Congress of ce-orl-hns,2-6 July,2011,Barcelona ,Spain.
  12. I.Anghel,Mariana C. Balotescu,Alina Anghel,Adriana Anghel,Bacterial biofilms on the sinus mucosa. A common cause of persistent infections in CRS ,1st Congress of ce-orl-hns,2-6 July,2011,Barcelona ,Spain.
  13. I.Anghel,Alina Anghel,Adriana Anghel,”Management of sinonasal cancer”,1st Congress of ce-orl-hns,2-6 July,2011,Barcelona ,Spain.
  14. 45. I Anghel, Stefan, Elia Barbuceanu,Ana M.Chirtesiu,Alina Anghel,”Tumorile neuroendocrine”,Al 32 Congres national de ORL,22-25 Septembrie,2010,Iasi ,Romania.
  15. I.Anghel,Alina G. Anghel, ,Management of the dorsal Deformities in Revision Rhinoplasty,Al 32 Congres national de ORL,22-25 Septembrie,2010,Iasi ,Romania.
  16. I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,Management of the dorsal deformities in rhinoplsty,23rd Congress of the European Rhinologic Society ,29th International Symposium of Infection and Allergy of the Nose(ERS/ISIAN),20-24 June 2010,Geneva,Swiss.
  17. I.Anghel,Alina G.Anghel,Adriana O.Anghel,Correction of internal nasal valve incompetence using functional rhinoplasty,23rd Congress of the European Rhinologic Society ,29th International Symposium of Infection and Allergy of the Nose(ERS/ISIAN),20-24 June 2010,Geneva,Swiss.
  18. Diagnosis and management of chronic fungal rhinosinusitis. I.Anghel,Mariana C.Balotescu,Alina G.Anghel,Adriana O.Anghel, 23rd Congress of the European Rhinologic Society ,29th International Symposium of Infection and Allergy of the Nose(ERS/ISIAN),20-24 June 2010,Geneva,Swiss.
  19. Rinoplastia de revizie. Ion Anghel,Alina Anghel, Conferinta nationala ORL,29aprilie-1mai 2007,Constanta.
  20. Chist branhial-caz particular cu infectie secundara si simptomatologie compresiva.

Ion Anghel,Ov.Nicu, Alina Anghel, Conferinta nationala ORL,   29aprilie-1mai 2007,Constanta

  1. Diagnostic si management intr-un caz cu celulita orbitara cu abces extraperiostal si abces intracerebral secundare sinuzitei paranazale.

Ion Anghel,Anca Covaci,Alina Anghel, ,Conferinta nationala ORL,29aprilie-1mai 2007,Constanta

  1. Hamartomul, Cowden Disease,Ion Anghel,Carmen Pavelescu, Al XVIII-IFOS World Congress Rome, Italia (IFOS),25-30 june 2005.
  2. Castelma Disease,Ion Anghel,Carmen Pavelescu, , Al XVIII–IFOS World Congress Rome, Italia (IFOS),25-30 june 2005.



2.Pana la ultima promovare (2002 Conferentiar):22.


  1. Anghel,Iulia Grecu,Diana Dragomir,”Importanta endoscopiei in chirurgia functional-estetica a nasului”Primul Congres national al Asociatiei Romane pentru Chirurgia Endoscopica ,Octombrie ,2002,Bucuresti.
  2. Anghel ,Iulia Grecu ,Diana Dragomir,”Rolul endoscopiei si imagisticii moderne in diagnosticul si tratamentul afectiunilor nazo-sinusale”,Al XXXlea Congres National ORL ,Septembrie,2002,Craiova.
  3. Anghel, Iulia Grecu,Diana Dragomir,”Consideratii etiopatogenice ,clinice si terapeutice in fracturile piramidei nazale la adultul tinar”,Simpozionul national „Prof Dr D.Gerota ”,Noiembrie 2001,Bucuresti.
  4. Anghel, Iulia Grecu,”Bosa virfului nazal in rinoplastie:etiologie,factori predispozanti tratament chirurgical”,Conferinta Nationala a Medicilor Militari ORL si Conferinta Nationala ORL,Iunie 2001,Bucuresti.
  5. Anghel, Iulia Grecu,”Chistadenolimfomul (tumora Warthin)de origine salivara cu localizare parafaringiana”, Conferinta Nationala a Medicilor Militari ORL si Conferinta Nationala ORL,Iunie 2001,Bucuresti.
  6. Iulia Grecu,Anghel,”Dificultati de diagnostic in algiile oculo-orbito-frontale”, Conferinta Nationala a Medicilor Militari ORL si Conferinta Nationala ORL,Iunie 2001,Bucuresti.
  7. Luminita Welt,C Ardeleanu,I. Zodieru.Anghel,”Limfom cu celula mare B cu scleroza in limfoganglionii latero-cervicali”Al XXXIIlea Simpozion National de Pat.,Noiembrie 2001,Bucuresti.
  8. Anghel, Iulia Grecu,”Otoplastia estetica”, Conferinta Nationala ORL si Chirurgie cervico-faciala ,Septembrie 2000,Constanta.
  9. Anghel, Iulia Grecu,”Reconstructia nazala folosind lambouri faciale in cazuri de tumori maligne” ,Conferinta Nationala ORL si Chirurgie cervico-faciala ,Septembrie 2000,Constanta.
  10. Anghel, Iulia Grecu,”Rinoplastia secundara in deformarile nazale asociate cu despicatura unilaterala de buza” ,Conferinta Nationala ORL si Chirurgie cervico-faciala ,Septembrie 2000,Constanta.
  11. Iulia Grecu, Anghel,”Actualitati in diagnosticul carcinomului nazofaringian”Conferinta Nationala ORL si Chirurgie cervico-faciala ,Septembrie 2000,Constanta.
  12. Anghel”Utilizarea inciziilor externe in chirurgia rinoplastiei”, Conferinta Nationala a Medicilor Militari ORL,Oct.1999.Brasov.
  13. Anghel,”Corectia defectelor subtotale ale nasului” ,Conferinta Nationala a Medicilor Militari ORL,Oct.1999.Brasov.
  14. Anghel,”La rhinoplastie extra-muquese controlee.”,VII Congres Francophone d-ORL et Chirurgie cervico-faciale,Mai,1999,Bucuresti.
  15. Anghel,” La rhinoplastie de revision” VII Congres Francophone d-ORL et Chirurgie cervico-faciale,Mai,1999,Bucuresti.
  16. Anghel,”Tumori rare cervicale-limfangiom chistic”,Zilele medicale Spital „Coltea” ,Dec.1994,Bucuresti.
  17. Anghel,”Rinoplastiile corectoare” Zilele medicale Spital „Coltea” ,Dec.1994,Bucuresti.
  18. Anghel,”Consideratii privind chirurgia corectoare si reparatorie a piramidei nazale pe baza experientei personale”,Congresul national ORL,Oct.1994,Bucuresti.
  19. Anghel,”Corp strain(bolt metalic)nazo-etmoido-sfenoidal extras pe cale transseptala” Congresul national ORL,Oct.1994,Bucuresti.
  20. Anghel,”Consideratiiprivind atitudinea chirurgicala in cazul traumatismelor nazale la copil”,Conferinta nationala ORL,Oct.1993,Bucuresti.
  21. Anghel,”Pericondrita auriculara” Conferinta nationala ORL,Oct.1991,Brasov.
  22. Anghel,”Aspecte clinice si terapeutice privind perforatiile post-traumatice membranei timpanice”, Zilele medicale Spital „Coltea” ,Dec.1991,Bucuresti.









Director de proiect: 2

1.Titlu:”Sistem GRID purtabil pentru monitorizarea si procesarea la distanta a functiilor    vitale-BIOGRID”Program Operational Sectorial “Crestera Competitivitatii Economice”(POS-CCE).

NR.543/28 08 2013

Valoare :4,429,379

Contractor:S.C.Elcos Proiect SRL

Castigat la Competitia: POS CCE 02.3.3_2011 Etapa 6.

Director Proiect:Ion ANGHEL



2.Titlu:”Cercetare,modelare matematica si simulare IT  in  imagistica medicala privind patologia tumorala ORL si cervico-faciala.”(Dec.2013).

Contractor:ASTI AutomationSrl

Benrficiar :ASTI Automation SRL

Finantare : 7000 eur

Director proiect :Ion ANGHEL

Lucrare rezultata:How relevant are the estimations of the fractal dimension of the texture and contour to discriminate between malignant and benignant  sinus tumors –A statistical study.

  1. Anghel, Raluca Roxana Purnichescu Purtan, Andreea Udrea .

U.P.B.Sci.Bull.,Series A,Vol. 74,Iss.3,2012,p.57-67. Factor Impact:0,300.


Responsabil de proiect:1

  Titlu:”Cunostinte tehnice privind dezvoltarea experimentala a unei aplicatii integrate hardware-software pentru managementul unitatilor medicale din cadrul proiectului MEDSIS,in vederea dezvoltarii experimentale a prototipului sistemului informatic”


Contract castgat prin Competitie: tip cerere-oferta conf.Ordinul MFE 1120/2013;

Proiect MEDSIS este proiect CDI finantat din fonduri structurale ;

Operatiunea POS CCE  O.2.3.3”Promovarea inovarii in cadrul intreprindelor”

Responsabil proiect:Ion Anghel




Membru in echipa proiect: 4

  1. Titlu:Studii privind mecanismele de interactie intre radiatiile laser si de radio-frecventa cu tesuturile cailor aerodigestive superioare si elaborarea protocoalelor terapeutice,PN2,2007-2010.

2.Titlu:Impactul farmacocinetic si clinic al factorilor neuroendocrini in terapia cu antipsihotice atipice,PNCD-II-3236/2008-2011.

3.Titlu:Noi metode optice si protocoale de investigatie micro si nano pentru eficientizarea diagnosticului timpuriu,monitorizarii ,prognosticului si terapiei in cazul cancerului de piele non-melanomic,PN2,2012-2015.

.4.Titlu:Noi dispozitive tubulare protetice nanostructurate cu proprietati antibacteriene si antibiofilm induse de modifiocari fizico-chimice si morfologice-AntiBioTube.




A.Proiecte educationale si de formare continua -Coord-Director.


1.357 ALERGIA IN ORL (19 credite CMR)


Coordonator: Prof.DR ANGHEL ION


 Durata: 5 ZILE (05 iun 2017 – 09 iun 2017)





Coordonator:Prof. DR ANGHEL ION


 Durata: 5 ZILE (20 mar 2017 – 24 mar 2017)




Coordonator: PROF. DR ANGHEL ION


 Durata: 5 ZILE (03 oct 2016 – 07 oct 2016)




Coordonator: Prof.DR ANGHEL ION


 Durata: 5 ZILE (06 feb 2017 – 10 feb 2017)



Coordonator: PROF. DR ANGHEL ION


 Durata: 5 ZILE (07 nov 2016 – 11 nov 2016)




 Durata: 5 ZILE (08 mai 2017 – 12 mai 2017).





B.Proiecte educationale si de formare continua-responsabil (1×1=1).


1.Lector: Actualitati in chirurgia urgentelor ORL, Inst National de Perfect Postuniv a Med si Farmacistilor19-23 06, 2000. Buc.


C.Proiecte educationale si de formare continua-membru:(1 x 0,5p=0,5p).


    1..Lector: 9th Endoscopic sinus surgery Course 21-22 nov 2013






Titlu 1–20 Citat de Anul

Magnetite nanoparticles for functionalized textile dressing to prevent fungal

biofilms development

I Anghel, AM Grumezescu, E Andronescu, AG Anghel, A Ficai, C Saviuc, …

Nanoscale research letters 7 (1), 1

43 2012

Modified wound dressing with phytonanostructured

coating to prevent

staphylococcal and pseudomonal biofilm development

I Anghel, AM Holban, AM Grumezescu, E Andronescu, A Ficai, AG Anghel, …

Nanoscale research letters 7 (1), 18

38 2012

Biohybrid nanostructured iron oxide nanoparticles and Satureja hortensis to

prevent fungal biofilm development

I Anghel, AM Grumezescu, AM Holban, A Ficai, AG Anghel, MC Chifiriuc

International journal of molecular sciences 14 (9), 1811018123

26 2013

In vitro evaluation of antipathogenic

surface coating nanofluid, obtained by

combining Fe 3 O 4/C 12 nanostructures and 2((





I Anghel, C Limban, AM Grumezescu, AG Anghel, C Bleotu, MC Chifiriuc

Nanoscale research letters 7 (1), 1

25 2012

In vitro morphogenesis in diploid, triploid and tetraploid genotypes of


lanatus (Thumb.) Mansf

I Anghel, A Rosu

Rev Roum Biol Végét 30, 4355

25 1985

Efficient surface functionalization of wound dressings by a phytoactive

nanocoating refractory to Candida albicans biofilm development

I Anghel, AM Holban, E Andronescu, AM Grumezescu, MC Chifiriuc

Biointerphases 8 (1), 12

17 2013

Hybrid nanostructured coating for increased resistance of prosthetic devices to

staphylococcal colonization

I Anghel, AM Grumezescu

Nanoscale research letters 8 (1), 16

14 2013

Protective effect of magnetite nanoparticle/Salvia officinalis essential oil hybrid

nanobiosystem against fungal colonization on the Provox® voice section


I Anghel, V Grumezescu, E Andronescu, GA Anghel, AM Grumezescu, …

Dig. J. Nanomater. Biostruct 7, 12051212

13 2012

In vitro evaluation of bactericidal and antibiofilm activity of Lonicera tatarica and

Viburnum opulus plant extracts on Staphylococcus strains

MV Bubulica, I Anghel, AM Grumezescu, C Saviuc, GA Anghel, …

Farmacia 60 (1), 8091

12 2012





Citation Report: 24

(from Web of Science Core Collection)


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Results found: 24

Sum of the Times Cited [?] : 159

Sum of Times Cited without selfcitations

[?] : 133

Citing Articles [?] : 94

Citing Articles without selfcitations

[?] : 83

Average Citations per Item [?] : 6.62


[?] : 7




  1. Membru in conducere aunor structuri profesional stiintifice nationale:1
  1. Membru in comisia de specialitate de ORL din Ministerul Sanatatii/Ordin MS nr 1504/19.12.2016.




  1. Membru in Societati Stiintifice Nationale si Internationale
  1. Societatea Romana de ORL din 1986.
  2. Societatea Romana de Chirurgie 2012.
  3. Societatea Romana pentru Chirurgie Endoscopica din 2002.
  4. Societatea Romana de Pneumologie-Somnologie 2009-2012.
  5. Societatea Romana de Nutritie Parenterala si Enterala 2012
  6. Societatea Romana de Rinologie 2012-2015.
  7. Membru International al Academiei Americane de Chirurgie Plastica Reconstructiva(AAFPRS) din 1997-2005.
  8. Academia Europeana de Chirurgie Plastica Faciala din 2006-prezent.
  9. Societatea Europeana Apnee in Somn 2008-pz
  10. Societatea Europeana de Rinologie 2004-2012.
  11. Societatea Europeana de Laringologie 2011-2015




  • Membru in colective editoriale(de redactie): 3

1.Revista Medicala Romana B+ (2000-2002).

2.Practica Medicala,B+  (2012-prezent).

3.Revista Romana de Otorinolaringologie(din 2016)




  • Premii distinctii nationale: 2.
  1. Diploma de Excelenta”Pentru contributie valoroasa adusa Otorinolaringologiei”

Congresul National ORL, Iasi ,22-25 Sept 2010.

  1.  Diploma -Premiul 1.

Al XVI lea Congres al Soc Anat din Romania,8-9 mai 2015,Bucuresti.


  • Prezentari invitate in plenul unor manifestari stiintifice internationale: 2
  1. Speaker la The 9th International Endoscopic Sinus Surgery  Course 21-22 Nov.2013,Bucharest.
  2. Panelist:Cranial and cervico-facial surgery,VIII Balkan Congress of ORL, 10-12 June 2012,Tirgu Mures.



  • Prezentari invitate in plenul unor manifestari stiintifice nationale: 14
  1. Lector invitat:Congresul National de Otorinolaringologie si Chirurgie Cervico-Faciala cu participare internationala 19- 22Octombrie 2016,Baile Felix ,Oradea.
  2. Moderator: Congresul National de Otorinolaringologie si Chirurgie Cervico-Faciala cu participare internationala 19- 22Octombrie 2016,Baile Felix ,Oradea
  3. Lector Invitat:Conferinta Nationala de Medicina a Familiei 19-22 Octombrie 2016,Bucuresti.
  4. Lector Invitat:Al II-lea Congres National de ORL Pediatrie cu participare internaationala,18-21 Mai, Iasi
  5. Moderator: Al II-lea Congres National de ORL Pediatrie cu participare internaationala,18-21 Mai, Iasi
  6. Lector la 1-3 iule 2015.Al treilea Congres al Societatii Romane de Rinologie.
  7. Speaker invitat Conferinta Nationala de Medicina de Familie21-24 Octomb.2015,Bucuresti.
  8. Speaker AV-a Conf Nat de ORL Pediatrie,16-18 oct 2014.Timisoara
  9. Moderator; Tumori maligne Congres Rom ORL 8-10 iunieTg Mures 2012.
  10. Speaker Rhinoplasaty 1st Congres of the RRH.S,2-5 nov 2011.
  11. Speaker: Conferinta FESS,Al 32 Congres Nat ORL si Ch Cerv-Fac,22-25 sept 2010
  12. Speaker: Conf Nat Orl 29apr-1mai 2007
  13. Moderator: Pat.Rinosin/Rinobaza, Congr ORL,3-6 mai 2006,Timisoara

Lector: Actualitati in chirurgia urgentelor ORL, Inst Nat de Perfect Postuniv a Med si Farmacistilor 19-23 06,2000,Bucuresti.


  • Membru in comitetul de organizare manifestari stiintifice nationale: 9.
  1. Al 3 lea Congres al Soc Rom de Rhinologie 1-3 iulie,2015,Sighisoara.
  2. Conferinta Nationala ORL 27-30iunie 2013, Oradea
  3.  Al 32 lea Congres Nat de Orl22-25Sept.Iasi.
  4. 1st Congres of the RRH.S,2-5 nov 2011.Buc.
  5.  Congres Rom ORL 8-10 iunie2012,Tg Mures
  6. Conf Nat de ORL Pediatrie 16-18 Oct2014 Timisoara
  7.  Al II-lea Congres National de ORL Pediatrie cu participare internationala,18-21 Mai, Iasi.
  8. Congresul National de Otorinolaringologie si Chirurgie Cervico-Facialacu participare international19-22    Octombrie 2016,Baile Felix ,Oradea.
  9. Conferinta Nationala de Medicina a Familiei 19-22 Octombrie 2016,Bucuresti.




  • Membru in Comisii de Doctorat: 10



  • Membru in Comisii de Licenta :  6




  • Participare efectiva la manifestari stiintifice:



1.Dupa ultima promovare(2002-Conferentiar): 31.


  1. Congresul National de Otorinolaringologie si Chirurgie Cervico-Faciala cu participare internationala 19- 22Octombrie 2016,Baile Felix ,Oradea  (28 CME)
  2. Conferinta Nationala de Medicina a Familiei 19-22 Octombrie 2016,Bucuresti.(24 CME)
  3. 41 Congresso Conventus SocietasORL Latina,6-8 iulie 2016,Torino
  4. Congresul UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti,2-4 iunie 2016,Bucuresti (10 CME).
  5. Al II-lea Congres National de ORL Pediatrie cu participare internaationala,18-21 Mai, Iasi.(16CME).
  6. 3rd Congress of the Romanian Rhinologic Society,1- 3 iulie, Sighisoara, (24 CME)
  7. 12 thEuropean Symposium Pediatric Cochlear Implant,18-21June 2015,Toulouse,France.
  8. 3rd Congress of European ORL-HNS, 7-11 iunie,Prague, (24 CME).
  9. European Rhinoplasty Summit ,26-28 March ,Munich .
  10. Anti Aging Medicine World Congres ,3-5 Apri 2014,Monaco.
  11. 13th International Conference  on Cochlear Implants and other Implantabile Auditory Technologies,18-21 June Munich 2014
  12. 5th Pediatric ENT National Conference with International Participation, Timisoara (17 CME)
  13. 9th International Endoscopic Sinus Surgery  Course,21-22 November,2013,Bucharest. I.Anghel, (speaker)” Endoscopic Rhinoseptoplasty”,
  14. National Conference of Family Medicine 2013, Bucharest (24 CME)
  15. 4th Romanian Pediatric ENT Conference, Poiana Brasov (12 CME)
  16. 2nd Congress of the Romanian Rhinologic Society, Piatra Neamt (18 CME)
  17. National ENT Conference 2013, Oradea – Baile Felix (25 CME)
  18. 10th World Congress on Sleep Apneea 27aug-1septb2012,Roma
  19. 8th Balkan Congres of ORL-HNS,10-12 June, Tirgu Mures (18 CME)
  20. Romanian National Congres of ORL-HNS, 8-10 June, Tirgu Mures (18 CME)
  21. 11th International Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaringology,20-23 May 2012,Amsterdam.
  22. 1st Congress of the Romanian Rhinologic Society,2-5 November,2011,Bucharest, Romania
  23. 1stCongress of CE-ORL-HNS,2-6 july2011, Barcelona/62 Congres     Nacional de la SEORL-PCF
  24. Al 32 Congres national de ORL,22-25 Septembrie,2010 Iasi ,Romania.
  25. 23rd Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, 29th International Symposium of Infection and Allergy of the Nose(ERS/ISIAN),20-24 June 2010,Geneva,Swiss.                
  26. Congres Internat al SRChE,18-20 06 2009
  27. 6th European Congress of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, 30 iunie-4 iulie 2007, Viena (EUFOS).
  28. Conferinta nationala ORL,29aprilie-1mai 2007,Constanta.
  29. XXXI Congres National de ORL si Chirurgie Cervico-Faciala,2006,Timisoara
  30. A XXXVI-a Conventus ORL Latina, 26-29 aprilie 2006, Bucureşti.
  31. Al XVIII-lea Congres Mondial O.R.L. şi Chirurgia capului şi gâtului, Roma, Italia (IFOS),25-30 june 2005


2.Inainte de ultima promovare Conferentiar 2002 : 10.


  1. A XVII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova, Durău, 18-20 mai 1989.
  2. Al XXVIII-lea Congres Naţional al Societăţii Române de Otorinolaringologie, Bucureşti, 20-22 octombrie 1994.
  3. Conferinţa Naţională O.R.L., Piatra Neamţ, 5-6 mai 1995.
  4. Conferinţa Naţională ORL, Tg. Mureş, 17-18 mai 1996.
  5. Conferinţa Naţională O.R.L. şi a VIII-a Conferinbţă a medicilor militari ORL, Bucureşti, 18-19 sept 1997.
  6. Al XXIX-lea Congres Naţional O.R.L. Oradea, 14-17 octombrie 1998.
  7. A IX-a Conferinţă Naţională a Medicilor Militari, Braşov, 14-16 oct. 1999.
  8. Conferinţa Naţională ORL şi Chirurgie cervico-facială, Constanţa, 27-29 septembrie 2000.
  9. Primul Congres national al Asociatiei Romane pentru Chirurgia Endoscopica ,Octombrie ,2002,Bucuresti.
  10. Al XXX-lea Congres Naţional de Otorinolaringologie, Craiova, 18-21 septembrie 2002.



  • Experienta in managementul de cercetare sau invatamant :3


1.Sef Clinica ORL Coltea din  Nov. 2011.

2.Formator acreditat MS –Coordonator rezidentiat in ORL

3.Conducator doctorate/ Atestat de Abilitare :Ordin MEN 725 12.12.2014.


  • Brevete de inventie:1.


Nr cerere:  a 2015 00253/data depozit 07 04 2015 /BOPI NR.9/2015,

Dumitru M,Sarafoleanu C,CostacheA,Anghel I,Cergan R,Enciu EC,Musat GC

Dispozitiv si metoda pentru biopsierea endoscopica ecoghidata intracavitara a rinofaringelui.Revendicari 5,Figuri 9.







08.09.2017                                              Prof.Univ.Dr.Ion ANGHEL